OneNote as a Planning Tool

I have set my 2019 planner up using OneNote with the help of this blog. Getting organised helps me feel like I’m working towards a healthier work life balance and improving my wellbeing.

Miss Marks Blogs

I have been speaking to a number of teachers at school about the use of OneNote and I have been meaning to write about how OneNote has merged into my day-to-day teaching. I thought about the main ways in which I use it:

  1. For day-to-day planning (effectively replacing my paper planner)
  2. In lessons as a teaching tool (almost a replacement for ActivInspire)
  3. For storing and marking work through the Content Library and Class OneNote functions
  4. For creating long-term plans, unit plans and collating resources for future units of work
  5. For continued professional development

I thought I would compile a quick series of posts on each one of these uses.

OneNote as my Planner

I started using OneNote personally before I started trying to integrate it into my teaching. I was already using a table format in Word to plan my maths lessons and started to see others at school using OneNote…

View original post 772 more words

New Year New Me!

Well it’s been just over two weeks since I was in the classroom. It would appear a change really is as good as a rest as despite the challenges Christmas can bring, I actually feel very rested. My mood feels lifted, I feel like I have both the time and motivation to exercise and consider what I am eating and drinking. I never thought I would consider giving up teaching after less than five years particularly as I gave up so much to enter the profession in the first place.

Do any other teachers feel the same way?